Ecoh Resources
We have collected our favorite resources for integrating sustainability into our designs.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), is the most widely used third-party verification for sustainably designed spaces.

Green Schools
Partnering with groups like the The Center for Green Schools and Green Schools National Network allow students the opportunity to attend schools that promote health and wellness in a sustainable environment.

Sustainability At Work
OHPD has achieved its second consecutive GOLD Certification.

Architecture 2030 Challenge
OHPD has adopted the Architecture 2030 Challenge and we are dedicated to meeting its tenets.

B Corporation
Certified B Corporations are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit.

U.S. Resiliency Council
Your next building can obtain a Verified Rating with the industry’s most prestigious rating system for resilient design.

International Well Building Institute
The WELL v2™ next version of the WELL Building Standard™, the first rating system to focus exclusively on the impacts of buildings on human health and wellness.

International Living Future Institute
A global community intended on creating a future that is healthy and resilient.

Living Building Challenge
What if every single act of design and construction made the world a better place?

Zero Energy
Zero energy is recognized worldwide as one of the highest aspirations in energy performance in the built environment.

Declare is a transparency platform and product database that is changing the materials marketplace.
Let's Connect
We encourage you to connect with us. For employment opportunities and inquiries, please visit our Careers page.
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For suppliers & product representatives, please email